Welcome to the Application about Home Haemodialysis. Did you know that Haemodialysis (HD) therapy started in 1960? In Europe about 75,000 people start dialysis each year.
Dialysis is your treatment and your lifestyle. It is important you know about your treatment choices so you can make the best choices for you and your family. Frequent Home Haemodialysis (FHHD) provides a safe, high quality and flexible treatment schedule. It can improve the quality of your life.
The patient section of this Application focuses on the treatment option of Frequent Home Haemodialysis (FHHD). It offers practical guidance to help you feel secure about doing dialysis at home. It does not replace the training that your dialysis unit will provide. It is important to note that every country will offer home dialysis in a slightly different way but we hope most of the information will be useful to you.
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This Application has been brought together thanks to the cooperation and collaboration of enthusiastic professionals from various countries who are members of the European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association/ European Renal Care Association (EDTNA/ERCA).